First Responders
Research has shown that it is easier, and less expensive, to retain current employees than to recruit and train new ones. I know low pay is a major concern to current first responders so I will work to find ways to offer pay raises. Also, as mayor, the first responders will know that they are supported, valued, and appreciated. I will conduct meetings where first responders can voice their concerns with their jobs. These meetings will allow me to learn the issues and problems, firsthand. This knowledge will provide me with the information needed to find solutions. I will work closely with the Civil Service Board to protect its integrity while finding solutions to problems. My goal is to make Gadsden a desirable place for first responders to work. Once the internal problems are addressed, the focus will turn to recruitment. In my opinion once pay and morale are addressed, recruitment will come naturally as Gadsden will be a desirable place for first responders to work, long-term.