Improving Infrastructure

Infrastructure is important when discussing any city, but especially one that is trying to attract industry. Ensuring every household and business has access to high-speed internet is crucial in today’s times. It is needed for every aspect of our life from school to medicine to banking, and everything in between. One of my goals is to make Gadsden a Gigabit city so that we are more competitive for industrial development, as well as attractive to young people looking for cities to locate in.

Roads have been a complaint of many people for numerous years. I pledge to work with the County Commissioners on road projects, as well as prioritize projects within the city limits so they are completed in a timely manner. I understand that part of our road problem has to do with water drainage issues and flooding. This issue will be addressed immediately but correcting this problem will be a major expense and require time. The areas of the city that have the worst drainage and flooding issues will be addressed initially, while the remainder of the issues will be corrected according to urgency categorized by the engineering department.